There is an ancient road from Jerusalem to

Jericho that was a narrow, treacherous path

along a deep gorge in the Judean Wilderness. 

It’s known as the valley of the shadow, for

this was probably the location that inspired

David’s 23rd Psalm.  It’s bleak and perilously

steep.  It’s a good place for thieves, but not

for anyone else.  When David wrote

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the

shadow of death, I will fear no evil” (Psalm 23:4)

he was in a place where evil was an ever-present

reality.  Yet he refused to give in to fear. 

David was saying that the presence of God gave

him confidence to pass through difficult places.

Hope comes not from strength, intelligence,

or favorable circumstances, but from the Lord.

Today’s Sermon:

             Why I Am Not

                A Pessimist

                Philippians 4:8  

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